The sun brings us many wonderful things. It keeps us warm, brightens our days, and allows things to grow. Unfortunately, it can be harmful if you get too much of it. The following tips will help you protect yourself during UV safety month.
- UV Protection Tip 1: Always Wear SPF Sunscreen
Always wear sunscreen that comes with SPF protection. The label should read SPF 30 and also say “broad-spectrum” to prevent damage. The term means that the product protects you from both UVA and UVB rays. Apply sunscreen at least 15 minutes before going outdoors and again once every 80 minutes. Apply more often when swimming or sweating.
- UV Protection Tip 2: Clothing and Accessories Can Protect You
Clothing and accessories can also block UV rays. Wear long sleeves or pants when it is comfortable to do so. Wide-brimmed hats will help shield your eyes and face.
- UV Protection Tip 3: Work Around Peak Sunlight Hours
The most intense sunlight hours of the day are between 10 am and 2 pm. Avoid spending excessive time outdoors during this period. If you need to be outside, make sure you wear sunscreen and anything else you need to prevent damage.
- UV Protection Tip 4: Put on a Pair of Sunglasses
Wear sunglasses with total UV protection. The label should specifically mention this to ensure that they are strong enough to do the job. Avoid staring up at the sky while the sun is up, even if you are wearing sunglasses.
- UV Protection Tip 5: Wear Cosmetics with UV Protection
Some cosmetics include built-in UV protection. These are great for helping protect skin while going about your day. You may still come in contact with sunlight when driving or spending a few minutes outside on your lunch break.
- UV Protection Tip 6: Be Careful Even If It Is Cloudy
UV rays are not blocked by clouds. Even if it is overcast outside, continue to protect yourself. Skin and eyes can become damaged if you aren’t careful about sunlight.
Your ophthalmologist can help you learn more about sunlight safety and your vision. Contact Grosinger, Spigelman & Grey Michigan’s Leading Eye Care Physicians located in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan to schedule an appointment.